Work With Me

Hi! I'm Laura. I work with women who are done with relying on Big Pharma for birth control and ready to step into full sovereignty.​
As a Fertility Awareness Educator, I teach women how to figure out when they're fertile (hint: it's not every day) so they can do whatever they want with that info.
You can prevent pregnancy, achieve it, and even learn a lot about your underlying hormonal health!​
Ready to get started? Book a free initial call to get all your questions answered and see how Fertility Awareness can work for you! Or check out my offerings below. I teach Beldam Fertility Awareness (my amazing 4-week natural contraception course) both online and in-person in North Texas.

Beldam Fertility Awareness Online
Were you told that you could get pregnant literally anytime you had sex? That birth control and IUDs are the only *truly* effective methods of contraception?
Wrong and wrong!
There is actually a very specific window when you can get pregnant. Fertility Awareness is about learning to identify this fertile window and use that info to prevent (or achieve) pregnancy. In this 4-week course you'll learn how to use Fertility Awareness as your primary method of contraception.
I work with women 1:1 and in groups online to help them feel totally confident in preventing pregnancy using the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).
Group of 2 or more women - $300
1-on-1 course - $400
Email to set up an online group course

Cycle Check In Session
So you're already practicing Fertility Awareness and you've got several charts under your belt. But when are you *actually* fertile? How can you tell if and when you're ovulating? What can your chart tell you about your estrogen and progesterone levels?
We'll get into all of that and more in the Cycle Check In Session. For the 30-minute session, bring one chart and we'll have plenty of time to dive deep into all the cycle magic. For the 60-minute session, bring at least 3 charts so we can see patterns over time!
I can't wait to get to know you!