Beldam Fertility Awareness
New! Join the first online Beldam Fertility Awareness Program!

Have you wanted to deeply trust your intuition and connect to your body through cycle charting but felt afraid to make the jump?
I hear you, sister. You are not alone.
Join me, Laura Prentice, and a group of like-minded women in the Beldam Fertility Awareness Program, a 4-week one-on-one deep dive into the Fertility Awareness Method!

What is Beldam Fertility Awareness?
The Beldam Fertility Awareness Program is a 4-week series designed to connect you to a powerful source of wisdom: your menstrual cycle.
In this series you will:
Progress through 4 classes covering over 70 slides of content
Get support for 3 full cycles of charting from me and a small group of women in your 3 cycle sessions
Dive deep into cervical fluid observations and the 3 types of cervical fluid
Be able to discern the parameters of a healthy bleed and what that looks like for your individual cycle
Learn evidenced-based rules for using Fertility Awareness for birth control
Learn which contraceptive methods pair well with fertility awareness and which are best for you
Identify the best time to have sex in order to conceive
Develop bonds with other passionate, like-minded women!
This program is for you if you are interested in...
Attaining vibrant health by deeply tuning in to the rhythms of your cycle
Stepping into full bodily autonomy
Cleansing your body of hormonal contraceptives
Trusting yourself fully to prevent or achieve pregnancy
Becoming a leader in your community and setting an example for your friends and daughters
Reclaiming a form of ancestral body wisdom
Class Details:
4-week program with two time options
Option 1
THURSDAYS Nov. 19 - Dec. 17
5:30-7:30 pm Central Standard Time (excludes Thursday, 11/26)
Option 2
MONDAYS Nov. 23 - Dec 14
9-11 am Central Standard Time
Also included:
3 small group cycle check-in sessions (one during the last week of the program and for two months following) to look at three full cycles of charting
***This class is for women only. Women who want their male partners involved should sign up for the Couples Class (soon to be released!). Lesbian couples are welcome to attend either session.***
"I've been experiencing some irregularities with my cycle, and I wanted a kind, sympathetic, knowledgeable woman to talk to, who would give me some ideas and information for self healing. Laura was all that, and more. She made me feel very calm remembering that we have so many tried and tested, wise-woman tools at our fingertips - and reminding me to relax and enjoy the process of caring for myself!"
"Laura was fantastic! She was very thorough and knowledgeable about the material. Highly recommend!"
What is Fertility Awareness?
The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is a way of charting the menstrual cycle that allows a woman to know when she is fertile based on several body signs. The practice involves daily cervical mucus and basal body temperature (BBT) checks to determine where you are in your cycle.
Who can benefit from this practice?
Because Fertility Awareness allows you to know when you ovulate, it can be used to prevent pregnancy without hormones or to optimize your chances of conceiving.
Even if you are not actively trying to achieve or avoid pregnancy though, you can still use Fertility Awareness as a means of deep connection to your body: checking vital signs through your FAM chart can give you important insights into your hormonal health and natural rhythms.

Is FAM effective for birth control?
According to the 2007 Petra-Frank Hermann study, FAM is 99.4% effective for typical use and 99.6% effective with perfect use for those who understand the method well and follow the rules.
Is FAM difficult?
While Fertility Awareness is not particularly time-consuming (checking your temperature and cervical mucus daily only takes about 5-10 minutes), it does require a commitment to the practice of checking in with your body and a solid understanding of what you're seeing. On your own, it can be difficult to understand some of the signs you're seeing. For this reason, I recommend working with an instructor who can help you see the patterns in your temperature and cervical mucus changes.
Ready to learn more?
Are you ready to start charting but don't know how to begin?
Have you been charting for awhile but want some help interpreting your chart? Want to help your partner understand FAM?
Sign up for the Beldam Fertility Awareness Program for an in-depth, 4-week group program with Laura to help you master the practice of Fertility Awareness or schedule a simple chart review!