Do you know the pill is bad but feel like you have no other options?
Do you want to take out your IUD but just don't actually believe it's possible to prevent pregnancy without it?
Maybe you know what Fertility Awareness is and think it's great for other women's just not gonna work for you.
Well, it freaking can.
Preventing pregnancy with Fertility Awareness can *really* be simple.
If you're ready to free yourself from dependence on the medical system and take control of your own reproductive choices,
Beldam Fertility Awareness is for you.
How was health class when you were in school?
Enlightening? Respectful? Honest?
I'm betting it was neither.
Girls deserve to know the truth about how their bodies work.
They deserve a space where they can feel comfortable expressing their fears, joys, and frustrations.
In the Beldam Girls Program, girls learn about their cycles, Fertility Awareness, and womanhood.
If you want this for your daughter, niece, or granddaughter,
Beldam Girls Program is for you.
Work with me
Want more personalized support online?
Book a 1-on-1 Session with me to learn Fertility Awareness.
Have you already taken Beldam Fertility Awareness or a 1-on-1 session?
Schedule a Cycle Check In for some wise-woman insight on what your chart has to tell you about your cycle health and overall fertility.
1 hr 30 min
125 US dollars30 min
50 US dollars1 hr
90 US dollars1 hr 30 min
125 US dollars
my mission
sharing information
building community
supporting women

What's a beldam?
A beldam is a wise woman, a witch, a crone.
She is a grand•mother, a beautiful and sage goddess.
Look up the word in the dictionary, though, and you'll find some variation of "old, ugly hag." Why might this be?
Our socialization under patriarchy has taught us that the wisdom of the female body and the traditional teachings of wise women are invalid, unscientific, and even dangerous.
In reclaiming our wise woman traditions and and celebrating our bodily sovereignty, we step into beldam-hood and reject the patriarchal narrative.
bel - grand, fine dam​ - woman, mother